
Improving Your Child's Chances In School

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Improving Your Child's Chances In School

After our kids started going to school, I realized that some of our children were doing a lot better than others. Our youngest son seemed to really struggle with reading, and it was really discouraging to watch. To help him out, we started working with his teachers to understand his challenges in the classroom. It took a lot of work, but we were able to streamline his experience and help him to focus on his studies. This blog is all about working with your kids who might not be as good at school as others, so that you can improve their chances of success.

Summer Slump? The Benefits Of STEM Programs For Kids

Stop the summer slide. Vacation time means sun, fun, and a months-long break from school. If you have concerns about summer learning loss, take a look at the benefits of educational opportunities such as fine arts camps and STEM programs for kids. Increase Creativity  The arts and STEM area explorations lead to creativity. Whether your child is painting, collaging, building a super-structure, experimenting, or engaging in another similar activity, they're using their imagination, problem-solving, and developing the type of thinking necessary to create. Read More